Air conditioner cleaning is an important part of air conditioner maintenance. Although we recommend that you leave your AC cleaning to an expert, if you want to do it by yourself, you can use this step-by-step guide which is published in In this post, your exterior condenser cleaning is explained. In the next blog post, we will share the second part of this article which is about interior AC cleaning.

AC cleaning

Your outdoor condenser’s components can become caked with dirt and other debris, which can restrict the unit’s ability to cool your home by blocking air flow. Your main target for this cleaning is the fins, which are the thin metal blades that encase the unit. To clean your condenser, follow these steps:

  1. IMPORTANT! Turn off power to the unit at the exterior shutoff, also called a “disconnect”. Also, shut off power at your home’s electrical panel.
  2. Using a wet/dry vacuum with a soft-bristled attachment, vacuum away dirt, leaves, grass, and other debris from the fins.
  3. Remove all brush, vegetation, and debris from around the condenser.
  4. If any of the fins are bent, you can use a fin comb or other thin object to gently and carefully straighten them out. Be careful not to stick the knife more than a half-inch inside the unit or make contact with the (usually) copper tubes that carry the refrigerant.
  5. Remove the top grille, carefully lifting out the fan. Place it in a safe location and don’t pull at the electrical wires attached to it.
  6. Remove any debris from inside the unit and wipe the interior clean.
  7. From inside the unit using your garden hose, gently spray the fins. Be careful to only use moderate water pressure.
  8. Reinstall the fan.
  9. Turn the electricity to the unit back on at the outdoor switch and the electrical panel.
  • Make sure your thermostat is set to ‘cool’ and lower the temperature setting below the current temperature to trigger the unit to turn on.
  • After about 10 minutes, feel the tubing that runs from the condenser to the house to ensure the unit is working properly. The insulated tube should be cool to the touch and the uninsulated tube will be warmer.