Air conditioner maintenance service in Montreal
Air conditioner maintenance service in Montreal

A Professional and comprehensive Solution for Air Conditioner

Services de réparation, d'installation et d'entretien dans la grande région de Montréal.

A Professional and comprehensive Solution for Air Conditioner

Services de réparation, d'installation et d'entretien dans la grande région de Montréal.
Air conditioner maintenance service in Montreal

Air Conditioner Maintenance in Montreal

Nowadays, the importance of regular air conditioner maintenance service is clear to everyone. Air conditioners are among the most popular equipment and are used to provide cooling and even heating in various residential, commercial and industrial environments. Naturally, when summer comes, the air conditioner should work without any problems so that you can make the most of your air conditioner. For this purpose, periodically or at least once a year, service your AC. In this regard, you can contact Air Magique. With our around-the-clock service, we are able to answer your calls at any hour of the day. If you are located in Montreal, Laval or suburbs, schedule your appointment for your AC service or an estimate right now!

Benefits of Air Conditioner Maintenance

The way your air conditioner works in your home or office is directly related to the comfort of your family members or colleagues on dog days of summer. So preventing serious breakdowns in the AC in the future, can bring you peace of mind. Air conditioner maintenance service is done exactly for this purpose and is one of the most important factors affecting the life of the device. Note that it’s far cheaper to maintain your AC on a regular basis than to repair or replace it. In other words, prevention is better than cure!

Air conditioner maintenance service in Montreal
Air conditioner maintenance service in Montreal

Why Air Magique for AC Maintenance?

Air Magiaue is a provider of HVAC services including air conditioner maintenance, located in Montreal. Our air conditioner maintenance service covers residential, commercial and industrial units. After you call us, our technician will be present at your home or commercial/industrial building and based on the technical checklist, he/she will inspect the various components of your device, including the compressor, control box, coils, fan motor, blades and air filters; and if necessary, repair or replace them. In addition, cleaning service will be done for your AC. Some of the advantages of Air Magique are:

  • Customer-oriented attitude and polite behavior of the technicians
  • Dispatch of the technician in the shortest time
  • Compliance with health protocols
  • Offering 24/7 emergency service
  • Knowledgeable, experienced and certified team of technicians

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Zones desservies par Air Magique

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